Are Robusta Coffee Beans Bad?

Are Robusta Coffee Beans Bad

Are Robusta Coffee Beans Bad?

There are many species of coffee beans in the world. In your daily cup, there are only two that matter: Arabica and Canephora. We commonly know Canephora as Robusta. Both coffee beans are widely used as commercial crops. However, Robusta has been misunderstood by many and viewed as a low-grade coffee bean, which we think is not true. Why is there such a perspective? Let’s inspect both types of coffee beans.

Cultivation & Efficiency

Arabica plants grow at higher altitudes. They prefer a cooler climate at a temperature between 15 – 24°C. Meanwhile, Robusta has a higher tolerance to warmer climates at the temperature of 24 – 30°C which does not require high altitudes to grow.

Robusta coffee plants are less susceptible to pests and diseases. As a result, it is easier for farmers to harvest the coffee plants in regard to workforce requirements and the accessibility to the farm.

In terms of yield, Robusta produces a significantly higher yield per hectare as compared to Arabica. Therefore, the cost to cultivate it is lower than Arabica.

Supply and Demand

The world’s coffee consumption is being dominated by European countries and the United States of America (both regions sum up to approximately 70%). With a strong preference for Arabica coffee from these two regions, it is clear that Arabica has a stronger demand around the world. 

World coffee consumption
Source: International Coffee Organization

The supply and demand influence the price of coffee beans. When the demand is higher than the supply, the price of the coffee beans will increase and vice versa.

The Cost and Price

Because of the lower cost of production, the price of Robusta coffee beans is lower (while still bringing profit to the farmers) compared to Arabica. With a general perception that low price is equivalent to low quality, there is consistently a negative mentality against Robusta. 

Due to the lower selling price, there is little incentive for farmers to invest their money, time, and effort into harvesting excellent quality Robusta. And that leads to the vicious circle of inferior quality and low prices.

The Taste Note

Arabica contains less caffeine compared to Robusta. Arabica comes with hints of fruits and berries, which gives it a smoother, sweeter taste of cup profile. In general, Robusta contains higher caffeine and has bitterness with a nutty aftertaste. It is ideal particularly for those who like their coffee that has a strong aftertaste. A little fun fact that Vietnam is the largest Robusta coffee plantation country in the world.

The Verdict, Are Robusta Coffee Beans Bad?

Not at all. Arabica and Robusta taste so different that they should be appreciated for their own uniqueness, rather than against each other. 

Robusta might not be as popular as Arabica. Envision one day if farmers are more willing to invest in improving the quality which then prompts the increase of demand in Robusta, would the perception among coffee lovers change then? 

It is worth mentioning that the World Coffee Research and International Research Organization are empowering farmers to see Robusta as a renewed interest in the coffee plantations.

As Lucas from Fazenda Venturim that grows Specialty Robusta says, “We want to produce a coffee that has its own identity, and that is a new portfolio for roasters so that they can reach a new audience with this product!”

So, keep your mind open, your tongue curious, and continue to try on different types of coffee until you find the right one.

Mister Coffee’s Robusta beans aren’t just unique, they’re better.

Here at Mister Coffee, we cup every batch and purchase only the approved good quality of Robusta beans. Many of our customers love having it as their daily sip. They like its strong aftertaste with a creamy, full-body texture. And sometimes they like to mix it with milk to make a good cup of Latte and Cappuccino. 

On the other hand, top-quality Robusta beans are used in Espresso Blends we created. It is proven to help improve the Crema of Espresso drink.

Coffee Roast Masters would create a unique taste profile by blending both coffee beans to bring out their own characteristics and advantages. The lively, bright, and high note of Arabica and the creamy full body of Robusta complemented well, which offers a whole new range of flavors.A few of Mister Coffee’s best-selling Espresso Blends that use both coffee beans are Espresso Classic, Espresso Pearl, Espresso Gold, and Espresso Bar catering for every taste bud.

Try it for yourself and find your preferred coffee today! Below are the reviews from Mister Coffee’s customers.

Vietnam robusta Review
Espresso Classic Review
Espresso Gold Review
Robusta Review
Espresso Pearl Review
Espresso Bar Review

If you are thinking to try our coffee, head to our shop and make your selections now!

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